These ladies were, at their young age, bold about their Christian choices; they were so sure that they just needed to serve God in the present and in the future.’ She recalls. On this day she decided that she would hand her life over to Christ, and the same friends prayed for her. She experienced an indescribable restoration that took away all the low self-esteem that had for long gripped her life. She even stopped judging herself based on the knowledge that her family was not as affluent as most students’ families.
‘God turned my life around and I just wanted to grow in Him and to live for Him.’ She recalls. Juan completed her A-Level and she wanted to pursue an ambition she had nursed for a while; becoming a human rights lawyer. ‘I wanted to advocate for children especially issues like their security. I also wanted to advocate for women.’ She had seen how less valued women were in society and she always dreamt of contributing to the development of her community without being seen as a woman, and without experiencing the blockages that women always experienced.
Unfortunately, she did not pass the entrance examinations into Makerere University Law school which left her so disappointed. One day she was just looking through a list of programs that were offered at Uganda Christian University and she saw a course called Bachelor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Interventions. This
program suited the kind of dream she had. Juan applied and was later admitted to study the Bachelor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Interventions.
I‘m sure that God called me to be Humanitarian, otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to UCU.’ Juan asserts. A year later, she joined Honours College.
Honours College is a collection of like minds, who are united by their love for God, desire to serve Him and love for quality academic work. ‘In Honours College, we take up extra tasks; you need fellowship to actually accomplish them. You also need fellowship to overcome challenges; we go through periods when students
cannot afford fees but we pray for each other’ Juan confesses.
‘Honours College has changed me, I know more than ever that I want to continue serving God.’ She then asserts, ‘that’s my purpose in life.’
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Email: fost@ucu.ac.ug
Website: https://fost.ucu.ac.ug
Phone: (+256) 312 350 830