In a time where more focus is put on the girl child and women than on the boy child, The Honours College is launching a project, “The Mending” as one of the many solutions that could curb the repercussions of the evil above. The Mending aims to uplift and empower young men in a time when little focus is put on their mental, social and economic growth and development. “The Mending” seeks to provide a platform for teaching, and mentoring young men to receive restoration from broken society and social pressures from the world they live in, to enable them to become the leaders they were created to be.
This will be delivered through a series of workshops, the first happening on 5th November 2022 in Nkoyoyo Hall from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Men, women, ladies and gentlemen are encouraged to participate in this initiative by sharing their views on manhood as well as through attending the workshops that will be held.