As is norm is, college scholars started off the year with a General Assembly and a prayer session of dedicating Easter semester, on the 20th January 2022. During our General Assemblies Scholars share and listen to each other and to the Head of Department, they draw a plan for the semester and set expectations and make resolves together.
During our Assembly, we also agreed that our semester theme and verse would be picked from Isaiah 60:1. As a College, we shall hold the words in this timeless scripture as a call to us to arise and shine for the God who brought us out of the Covid-19 Lockdown; covid-19 was a thorn in everyone’s life and to many, the guns were laid down. However, this semester, we returned to school with gratitude because God brought us out of Lockdown.
Our semester song is Great is Thy Faithfulness, a wonderful hymn which was penned by William M. Runyan (1870-1957). This ageless hymn came from Lamentations 3:23 and we too are celebrating the faithfulness of God who has renewed His mercies for us persistently.
Arise and Shine (Isaiah 60:1)
Our semester theme is ‘Arise and Shine for your Light has come; as a college, we choose to shine in the excellent glory of the Lord because he has brought us this far. Covid-19 affected homes, economies, live … but here we are. We shall be shining for the Lord who singled us out and has continued to sustain us.
Great is thy Faithfulness
Great is thy Faithfulness is a popular Christian hymn written by Thomas Chisholm (1866-1960) with music composed by William M. Runyan. The phrase Great is thy Faithfulness comes from the Old Testament Book of Lamentation 3:23 that stipulates; “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”
Isaiah 60:1
“Arise and shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” Our Head of Department, Mrs Pamela Tumwebaze, encouraged students to be positive and hold on to God for He knows how to sustain his own people.
The Honours College coordinator, Mr Martin Kubona, shared with the students the semester plan. Students will be engaging in various activities and the objective of these activities is to promote service, research and excellence among scholars. These activities include:
Wednesday Morning Glory, 7 am – 8:30 am is a time when scholars meet and pray together as a family. Every scholar will be expected to attend weekly workshops that are scheduled every Thursday from 6 pm to 7:30 pm. The workshops will be coupled with students presenting their research papers and presentations from invited Guest Lecturers.
Students will also engage in activities like sports, a welcome party for the students on the Uganda Students Programme(USP), Agape day coupled with an afternoon movie, Ladies and Gents session, USP retreat to mention but a few.
This Easter semester, the college shall once again hold a writing clinic and exhibition, however, it shall be stationed at the Kampala campus in Mengo.
To live to the purpose of the college, the students are assessed to measure up their growth and development in the college. Therefore on the 26th of February, the student’s performance in the college shall be evaluated. The assessment shall focus on academics, college performance tackling research making, writing and presentations. They shall also be assessed based on their internal service projects.
The general assembly further served as a platform for students and administrators to air out their expectations in their course of training this semester. We vow to work together with diligence and to shine for God.
Mutesi Rebecca.
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